Paralysis It is the loss of muscle function in part of your body. It happens when something goes wrong with the way messages pass between your brain and muscles. Paralysis can be complete or partial. It can occur on one or both sides of your body. It can also occur in just one area, or it can be widespread. When, in any part of the human body, there is a loss of muscle function, it is called paralysis. This condition happens when something goes gravely wrong between the manner in which messages are passed by the brain and the muscles. Paralysis is usually of two kinds- partial or complete. Paralysis can affect either one or both sides of the human body. In some cases, just one area of your body gets affected, while in some other cases it can be widespread. When paralysis hits the lower half of the human body, such as both legs, it is referred to as paraplegia. When paralysis hits arms as well as legs, it is referred to as quadriplegia. In the majority of cases, paralys...